Thursday, August 24, 2006

McMahon. Reviewed.

Krazy Kory picked up his copy of the new WWE DVD called "McMahon". With WWE's recent success of DVD's, will this one make the grade? Here's Krazy Kory to tell you more...THEN LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS ON THE REVIEW, THE MAN AND THE DVD.

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FullyKrazy said...

Hey guys and gals! I'd like to know if you are planning to get the new McMahon DVD for yourselves. If you have already watched it what was your opinion on the DVD? Give me your thoughts and opinions right here in the comment section. Take it easy!

- Krazy Kory

Anonymous said...

I don't know if Steve told you this or not but I actually quit watching wrestling for a while due to the "God" angle back at Backlash. Was that addressed at all on the DVD? Also, I doubt this wasn't on the DVD but you may know anyway. What was the deal with the neck brace that Vince wore during the steroid trial? I always see it in pictures but I never could find a definate answer as to what he did to his neck.

On a somewhoat related note, have you saw the Dusty Rhodes DVD? I saw in the promo that he and Dustin stopped talking for five years. Why did that happen?


Anonymous said...

sounds interesting. know if i can rent it anywhere first?

FullyKrazy said...

TO CODY --- The McMahonism angle is addressed in this DVD. Unfortunately they kind of glorify it as another thing Vince did because he can. The only angle everyone seems to hate is the Katie Vick angle.

The neck brace situation is this... I think. I seem to remember that being the motorcycle accident he had. They actually cover this little tidbit in the EXTRAS section. I believe that it was around the same time Vince was in his steroid trial. Maybe he was trying to get his mind off the case???

I have seen the Dusty Rhodes DVD and I actually own the thing. I originally thought that Dusty was mad about his son playing a gay style character, but the DVD makes it sound as if they had other issues stemming from their personal home. Definately pick that DVD up to own! The matches and promos alone are worth it.

TO ANONYMOUS ---- You can always try Blockbuster but those suckas never carry wrestling DVD's here where I live. Sometimes I find that HASTINGS is a good place to find wrestling DVD's to rent. And they have all the old VHS and DVD wrestling titles for buying. I should be a spokes person for HASTINGS stores. You might also not have a HASTINGS in your part of the country to which I exclaim, "That's GHEY!"

- KRaZy KoRy -

Anonymous said...

Well, I was going to buy this DVD, but I'm not sure and your review wasn't that helpful. Sorry! But, I think I'd have the same opinion you do, i'd like some parts and hate others. However, I would like to see the matches on the DVD. Yes, I too own some (and have seen all at one point or another) but it would be good to have in a centralized location.

Sting DVD coming out soon from TNA...your thoughts? Think you will be purchasing it (Krazy Kory or DJ Fully)?

FullyKrazy said...

Hey Marc,

Yeah, I wasn't too clear about how I feel about this DVD because I am unclear on this DVD myself.

My best advice is if you are a huge wrestling fan then buy it. If you are a big time critic and only own the Bret Hart, Ric Flair and Dusty Rhodes DVD's then this puppy ain't for you.

As far as a Sting DVD. I am an old school late 80's to late 90's Sting fan. I hated the Crow stuff in WCW after his Hogan match was botched. Sting just doesn't get me interested anymore... since about 1998 he hasn't at least.

- Krazy Kory

FullyKrazy said...

Watched the McMahon DVD...wasn't all that impressed with it. Then again, there hasn't been a whole lot about Vince that I've liked lately. I'd wholeheartedly agree that if you're a diehard fan, it's a good buy. But be warned: just like any WWE DVD, it's WWE's version of history. I'd like to see something like the ECW DVD Jeremy Borash countered WWE with come out for this. Alas, all we would hear is moaning about the maniacal McMahon. The truth lies in-between somewhere.

-DJ F.