Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Getting Krazy With Krazy Kory: Volume Two

In his second series of "Getting Krazy", Kory doesn't talk about what drives him crazy, but rather some crazy new ideas he would like to see. He would also like your feedback on two important issues.

this is an audio post - click to play


Marc said...

Would TNA or WWE benefit more from Ken Shamrock? I think it would be logical for Shamrock to show up in TNA (since it is on Spike).

Your thoughts?

Anonymous said...

That's true, but he has a good past with WWE too and it wouldn't hurt for them to have the star power. Of course Shamrock vs. Angle would be a dream match too in TNA. That is why I say someone jump all over this in the pro wrestling US scene.

-Krazy Kory

Anonymous said...

On the direction of wrestling: Overall, I think it's going well. The rise of TNA and rebirth of ECW bring back some of that late nineties feeling of competitiveness, which is a good thing. The one trend that I don't like is the return of goofy gimmicks. I like the type of wrestling that feels real. I don't mind certain gimmicks (Hurricane and Boogie Man until he beat JBL) as comedy, but when they are pushed to hard (Boogie man after he beat JBL), or are just to far out (Paul "please DO call me Jonny Depp" Burchill) then I lose all interest. I actually don't like the King Booker gimmick. I think comedy gimmicks should be kept out of the main event and Booker could still get over as himself.

Best Brand: Gotta be RAW. It's the flagship. All of the attention is focused there and it feels like the "real" WWE.

By the way, I don't Shamrock will wrestle, but I'd love to see him in TNA just for the dream matches with Angle and Joe. If he signed with Vince, I think he could fit nicely into in any the three brands provided they used him and didn't job him out because he's over forty (Tatanka, Animal, etc..)


FullyKrazy said...

It should probably be noted that Shamrock was TNA's first champion.

-DJ F.

Marc said...

Glad that was noted I had completely forgot, and I got the first ever TNA PPV!